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The FALDP Docket -- March 2022
April 18, 2022

Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers

The FALDP Docket

Volume 12 Issue 4; April 2022

Stay up to date, and in the know.This is our monthly newsletter. We publish this for the benefit of FALDP members, legal document preparers, and friends. Published monthly since May, 2010

FALDP Membership

We're always welcoming new members to our association. New or returning members who join now, will not need to renew until June or July of 2023. June 1 is our regular renewal date, but we extend a grace period for renewals all the way until July 31.

Anytime is a good time to join our association. Right now, is one of the best times to join! Visit our premium-membership.html page to learn more.

Current Members: Early Renewal begins May 1 - Cost is $75.

When early renewal begins, we will send out email notices; publish it on the website; and publish it in this newsletter.

This year for the first time, membership renewal will be inside the Members Only area. Look for the membership renewal links and information inside the Members Only area beginning May 1, 2022.
And, did you know there are additional benefits to renewing early?

  • The 2023 star will go next to your listing on the County Member Directory right away: and
  • Your listing on both directories (County Member Directory and All Member Directory) will climb up the page. We all know that people searching online for something will stop scrolling as soon as they find a good option. Your information placed "above the fold" can make all the difference.

    Zoom Meetings

    After Hours Zoom Meetings have been moved to the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. That means that the next After Hours Meeting will be on May 10th. These are becoming more and more popular. There has been lots of interesting interaction, ideas, and conversation.

    The schedule for Saturday morning 11:00 am Training Meetings has been set. Invitations come out the preceding week and are also posted in the private Facebook Group.

  • February 26 - Pro Se E-Filing;
  • March 26 - UPL;
  • April 30 - Payment Solutions;
  • May 28 - FALDP Certification;
  • June 25 - Business Credibility;
  • July 30 - Taking Your Business to the Next Level;
  • August 27 - Conference Preview;
  • September 24 - Sales & Marketing;
  • October 29 - Best Practices;
  • November 26 - What To Do When the Phone Doesn't Ring

  • Payment Solutions

    Many members use a payment aggregator to accept payments for their business. Payment aggregators are companies like Paypal, Stripe, and Square. In our opinion, any of these companies may be a reasonable choice when you're just starting out. But, you should explore the option of using a regular merchant account as your business and sales volume grow.

    For our April 30 Zoom Training Meeting, we've invited a guest speaker to explain the benefits of using a regular merchant account.

    FALDP, LLC and Horizon Research Network, LLC have been using regular merchant accounts for several years (five years, I think). We made the change after back to back customer service nightmares, first with Paypal and then with Stripe. We've never used Square, but have heard of similar customer service issues.


    Don't Forget to File your Annual Report

    If you operate your business as an LLC, don't forget to file your annual report before May 1. After May 1, the fee jumps up to $400.

    Child Support Guidelines Worksheet

    In Florida child support for divorcing couples is almost always mandatory, and is generally calculated before the judge signs the final order of dissolution of marriage. Sometimes when a couple has agreed upon an amount for child support, the court will approve that amount. But, unless the agreed upon amount is close to the amount which would be awarded in the child support guidelines, the judge is likely to reject it. Whether parents have agreed upon an amount or not, the child support calculation is necessary.

    LEARN MORE: Florida Child Support Guidelines

    You can share our videos & articles!

    We have a growing list of videos on our channel. They're all about different aspects of document preparation, branded with the FALDP logo and information. Members are invited to use our videos on their sites, online ads, or on social media. Depending on where you display, you can share from YouTube, by using the share link or embed code.

    For example, on your own business FB page, you could share one of our divorce videos, and above it simply state that you are an FALDP member, and you prepare documents for divorce.

    Check out our videos here - FALDP on YouTube

    And, FALDP members are also invited to use content from our blog on their site and social media. Check out our searchable blog on Legal Sunshine Please remember to give proper attribution. Almost all blog articles were written by Ruth Tick, a few are guest posts. Excerpts are allowed, as some of the articles are very long. Be sure to state that this is an excerpt of ...

    Spanish Parenting Course Available

    The Spanish version of the Parenting Course, offered through our sister company, Horizon Research Network, LLC, has been approved by DCF. We received notification of its approval on October 9th, 2020.

    Prices are the same as our English version. $29.99 and $14.99 for low income. Here's the link directly to the Spanish version - spanish parenting course The Spanish version is also displayed on our FALDP site, and can be accessed by going to the English version.

    Parenting Course

    Parental Education and Family Stabilization Course is mandatory for all divorcing couples who have children; and all people seeking a paternity action. The cost is $29.99 and $14.99 for indigent. Here's the link directly to the - Parenting Course

    Don't have a site yet? Try Monarch Web Strategies

    Horizon Research Network is one of our associated sites which includes our design services. We build business websites for FALDP members for only $500, which includes your domain name and first month's hosting. And, have you seen our whiteboard videos online? We can create a custom whiteboard video to promote your business. Once built its yours to use in any of your advertising or promotions. Contact us for a custom quote.

    FALDP Private Facebook Group

    About one third of our membership has joined the FALDP private Facebook group. We created it to make it easier to interact with each other. So far, people have given work referrals to one another; asked questions to the group; received help in locating a form; and discussed various issues. If you're working toward FALDP Certification, you earn one CEU just by joining the group. So, what are you waiting for? Look for the private group after going to the official FALDP Facebook page at FALDP,LLC on Facebook.

    Member's Announcements & Contributions

    Have something to share?

    We accept member's announcements and appreciate your contributions. If you have an announcement about your business, an expansion of services, moving your offices, or winning awards, please send us the information and we'll include it in our newsletter. Your announcement needs to be pertinent to your business. We are unable to include announcements about other trade associations, clubs or groups.

    If you would like to write an article, editorial, opinion piece, or web page please let us know. We are always in need of fresh information and insights.

    FALDP Contact Information:
    Main number – (941)237-0951
    Toll free - (800)515-0496
    Email –

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