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The FALDP Docket -- June 2023
June 15, 2023

Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers

The FALDP Docket

Volume 13 Issue 6; June 2023

Stay up to date, and in the know. We publish this for the benefit of FALDP members, legal document preparers, and friends. Published monthly since May, 2010


July 31 is the last day to renew, it will be here before you know it. Renew your membership today and focus on getting ready for our [September 9] Conference instead.

Membership renewal forms and payments can be submitted from inside the Members Only area. We will send out a few more email reminders before the renewal period runs out. The membership renewal is $85.

When members renew, their information on the directories climb up the page, giving the renewed member increased exposure. Renewed and new members information on the All member-directory not only climbs up the page, but is also highlighted with a light orange background to bring attention to their information.


We will need more and more detail as we get closer to that date. For now, this is the basics. All is subject to change, or to be broadened, or explored further, ... we hope you're coming along for the ride.

Preliminary Agenda

  • 9 – Meet and greet;
  • 9:30 – Chardo Richardson – Commercial speech and free speech. What is protected in commercial speech, how are the protections different from an individual's speech?
  • 10:30 – Scott Hedrick – Legal access and free speech. How does our right to free speech support our right to access the legal system?
  • 11:30 – Ruth Tick – Free speech, UPL, and case law. How should legal document preparers exercise their right to free speech as related to our profession? What case law supports us? What case law hinders our right to free speech?
  • 12:30 - Lunch break
  • 1:30 – Attendees break into small groups. Each group is given an assignment.
  • 3:00 – Group leaders present their solutions and ideas to the larger group.
  • 3:30 – Growth. Should we push to dominate Florida?
  • 4:00 – Fun, games, awards, and prizes.

    A full agenda will be posted on our site soon. And each registrant will receive a Conference InfoPack a few weeks ahead of the conference.

    The date is set! We have scheduled our 14th Annual Conference for September 9, in Daytona Beach, FL. Once again we will be holding it at our favorite little timeshare resort - the

    Fountain Beach Resort - DB The resort has generously offered accommodations for attendees at only $89. per might. Don't forget - space is limited. Register early to make sure you're not left out.

    This year's conference theme is Freedom of Speech. We enjoy many freedoms in the United States, so many, in fact, that we might take our freedoms for granted. Simple things, like expressing disagreement with government, worshipping as we choose, and starting our own businesses are part of the fabric of American life. People in other countries may not enjoy as many freedoms as we do, and its important to take pause to be grateful.

    Full bios of our speakers will available on our conference-info page. Register early if you know you're coming. The Fire Marshall will only let us put 54 people in the meeting room, we'd hate to have to spill out onto the pool deck. Although our conference is not until September 9, registration is available now on our Annual-Conference page. There is an option to register and pay for the conference fee for current members; and another option to register and pay for the conference for new members. Please don't confuse the two.

    Inside There is an additional option for members to renew membership; AND resister for the conference at the same time. this option is inside our Members-Only area. If you are a member and do not remember the password. Please email us at to request it.

    As We Grow ...

    We updated our FALDP Members Handbook, and members can find it inside the Members Only area..

    Also, please remember:

  • When adding content for the member's county directory do not use html tags;
  • when making a change to the directory or adding yourself to a special directory, do so through the members' only area;
  • Be considerate when contacting your colleagues, ie. don't text without permission, leave voicemails so there's no missed coall, etc.;
  • when joining the FALDP private FB group use your name, not your company name;
  • when emailing FALDP, use, or, not both;


    Avoid UPL! Course - REMINDER

    Don't forget. If you haven't taken the Avoid UPL! Course since August 1 of 2022, you need to take it again. We require all members to take the Avoid UPL! Course each year. We add, or edit some content throughout the year, but make no effort to entertain members with all fresh and new information.

    We hope members will internalize the main points through repetition. In addition, you may discover something new that had not caught your attention before. We admit that some of the information seems trivial. Learn it anyway. Your goal is to Avoid UPL, you don't need to agree with all of the rules.

    We literally designed this course to:


    Zoom Meetings

    The Zoom scheduled for the last Saturday of this month (4/27 @ 11:00 am EST) is "FALDP Certification". Members can increase their business credibility by becoming FALDP Certified. If you have specific questions about FALDP Certification or are just curious, join us. You'll be glad you did.

    Our After Hours Zooms are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm EST. You can look ahead at the upcoming topics for our Saturday Zooms here - Training-webinars.html We email invitations in advance of each Zoom Webinar to all members. We also post the invitation inside our private Facebook Group. After our meetings we post information related to the meeting inside the Members Only area.

    3 Pro Se Pitfalls to Avoid

    The BIGGEST mistake pro se litigants make is thinking they know more than they do, as a way of overcompensating for lack of confidence. You don’t bring a court reporter because you don’t feel you need one. You don’t do research because you don’t have time, and you think you know enough. You react to or challenge every lawyer trick because you believe, without any evidence, that it’s the best thing to do. You file the wrong motions in the wrong situations. Rather than reacting to lawyer antics, judicial bias or a sense of unfairness, focus on your case.

    One of the biggest mistakes pro se litigants make is not doing research. Lawyers count on pro se litigants’ ignorance of the law to win cases. The less a pro se litigant knows, the shorter the litigation process will be. A lawyer can buy a $7000 debt for $700 and pay a $100 fee to sue. Thirty or so days later, he wins a default judgment or a one-hearing judgment. He then has the right to collect the full $7000, the $100 court fee, and case-related costs. He’ll have to collect the money himself, but lawyers wouldn’t buy debt if the practice never paid off. Facing a pro se litigant in court pays off for lawyers almost all the time.

    Let’s say you go to court and a court reporter is not present. You argue very strong points against an attorney with weak ones. Despite both the law and facts on your side, you lose. Think an appellate court will understand what went wrong and overturn the ruling? Probably not. Appellate courts will find many excuses not to overturn a lower court ruling. Without a court reporter’s transcript, an appellate court will say that the lower court was in the best position to evaluate the arguments made. Then, they’ll let the lower court decision stand. A court reporter, on the other hand, creates an official record of proceedings that can be sent to the appellate court. In the lower court, the simple presence of a court reporter greatly curtails judicial bias and bad behavior from lawyers. With that, you have a better chance of getting a fair hearing.

    FALDP on Social Media and Beyond

    Follow FALDP on Instagram. Our Instagram account is relatively new, and not a lot of followers. Help us solve that by following us and liking our posts. Instagram - Faldp Ruth Tick Please visit our FALDP Facebook Page We regularly post content and accept member submissions. Also, please like and follow.

    And, we regularly create our explainer and marketing videos which first appear on our FALDP on YouTube channel FALDP members are permitted to share our video content to your site and social media. We only ask that you refrain from editing our videos, and be sure to provide proper attribution. And, don't forget to subscribe!



    Spanish & English Parenting Course

    Did you know that FALDP members can receive $3.00 for each referral to either version of the Parenting Course?

    Prices are: $29.99 and $14.99 for low income. Here's the link directly to the Spanish version - spanish parenting course And here it is for the English version Parenting Course

    Parental Education and Family Stabilization Course is mandatory for all divorcing couples who have children; and all people seeking a paternity action.

    Don't have a site yet? Try Monarch Web Strategies

    Horizon Research Network is one of our associated sites which includes our design services. We build business websites for FALDP members for only $150 - set up; and $100. per page; and includes your domain name and first month's hosting. And, have you seen our whiteboard videos online? We can create a custom whiteboard video to promote your business. Once built its yours to use in any of your advertising or promotions. Contact us for a custom quote.

    FALDP Private Facebook Group

    About one third of our membership has joined the FALDP private Facebook group. We created it to make it easier to interact with each other. So far, people have given work referrals to one another; asked questions to the group; received help in locating a form; and discussed various issues. If you're working toward FALDP Certification, you earn one CEU just by joining the group. So, what are you waiting for? Look for the private group after going to the official FALDP Facebook page at FALDP,LLC on Facebook.

    Member's Announcements & Contributions

    Have something to share?

    We accept member's announcements and appreciate your contributions. If you have an announcement about your business, an expansion of services, moving your offices, or winning awards, please send us the information and we'll include it in our newsletter. Your announcement needs to be pertinent to your business. We are unable to include announcements about other trade associations, clubs or groups.

    If you would like to write an article, editorial, opinion piece, or web page please let us know. We are always in need of fresh information and insights.

    FALDP Contact Information:
    Main number – (941)237-0951
    Toll free - (800)515-0496
    Email –

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