
court fees

by Linda

My grandson is a 21 year old autistic adult, and was arrested on 2 occasions when he was 18 for selling marijuana, to undercover police officers. He is serving two years of community control concurrent with probation for a previous drug sales charge. He is eligible for early termination of community control in November. He has paid very little of his enormous court fees, as he is not capable of working and he is on SSI. He has a single parent mother who struggles financially as well. Will my grandson be able to apply for early termination of community control, and is there a way to get his court fees reduced?

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Court Fees
by: FALDP Staff

Hi Linda,
Early termination of probation/ community control are at the judge's discretion. Your grandson has the right to request early termination through a motion. As for the court fees, he could request that the fees be reduced to a civil judgment. The judgment would then go on his credit and he would have more time to pay, but he would still owe the money.

Or, he could request a payment plan. Again, this is all up to the judge. There may or may not be a hearing. If the judge wants a hearing, then there will be one. Consider whether your grandson is up to the task of appearing in court.

Most Florida court hearings are being held via Zoom during the pandemic.

I am not an attorney, and do not consider this as legal advice. Do your research, consult with an attorney if you can. Neither you nor his mother will be allowed to appear for him in court.

Good luck!


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