
Comments for Eviction Answer

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by: Anonymous

We've paid our rent on time for the last 2 years 6 months, but now our landlord wants to evict us from a page she printed off line.

24 hour Eviction
by: Anonymous

I Got an eviction notice to vacate in 24 hours.
I thought it was 72 hours. Do I have to pay the months rent if I'm evicted?

Eviction hearing?
by: Anonymous

Is a hearing required when an eviction notice is served on a tenant in Volusia County?

by: Anonymous

In the state of Florida do you have to put the items out on the street or can you hold them for so many days then trash? This person walked away from everything.

10 years later
by: need answers

I was staying in a commercial property with 2 other girls. There was an incident that occurred -- we all came to terms to move out. This incident was a Halloween prank went wrong so they agreed to let us leave. From my understanding we were evicted, that's not the problem. This was in 2005 I have since lived in 2 rental properties with good rental history. This year me and my family decided to move again. When I applied for a new place I was rejected due to this same eviction the happened in 2005. From my research it is said that they can reopen the case if they want. My question is why is it going to affect my credit and rental history after so long? Because even when you receive an eviction after 7 years it is considered a charge off. I need some answers because I need to know what to do. I have been working really hard to get my credit repaired and now this.... Someone please help me.

by: Anonymous

I have a contract until June 2015. My landlord sent me a written agreement to make repairs using rent money. I did so and he allowed $12,000. I did sent all receipts and checks I made to repair the property. He manifested he wanted to rent the apartment at $1600 I am paying $1350. He has sent a real state to post a three day notice to pay $1500. I have paid rent until January, if I do not pay him that amount for November we will file an eviction order.
The real state agent in charge of this case has been threaten me with email since October to return the key. No notice has been sent before, I have not been in default for 5 years. What should I do in this case?

by: Judy L.

Dear Ron,
I'm not an attorney, but I am a landlord. First, let me say, I've seen all kinds of Answers filed over the years when I've tried to evict tenants. As far as I know you just answer the complaint for eviction like any other law suit, point by point. If you have defenses this is the time to raise them. The fact that you lost your job and don't have any money is probably not a defense. But, the fact that the roof leaks like a sieve probably is. I looked on the Florida Bar's site, www.floridabar.org, but although they have other landlord/ tenant forms, I didn't see a form for an Answer to an Eviction.

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