
Neighbors tree on my electrical line

(Miami, Florida)

Can I force my neighbor to trim his vegetation back as it is laying on my electrical line to my house. What action can I take to remedy this situation? I am fearful this can cause a fire. I have written him asking him to trim but have not received any reply. I live in Miami Dade and FP&L said they were not responsible for the line in my yard.

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Land and trees need to be cleared from neigbors land

by James C. Ackley
(Middleburg FL Clay County)

I am trying to get property owners from another state who own unimproved and uncleared land next to mine. The trees and undergrowth are encroaching upon my property. How do I get them to clean up their property? I would like to put solar panels on my roof but experts say that after 5 pm with the shade of several large pine trees would make it uneconomical to do so with that much shade. I have proposed buying their property from them but they are asking too much. They are asking $20,000 for one acre. But the property has several problems with trying to build on it. It will require much work and money to improve upon it to build. I wouldn't build just clear enough trees to make it useful for solar. I would also farm upon it also. The one big issue for the future is that the property is low. So low that my property is starting to migrate into their's. Legally can I make them clear at least the edge of the property or make my improvements?

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Neighbor hired a contracator to cut down our hedges while we were away

by Harold
(spring hill, fl)

What we can do about this legally?

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