
Comments for Unauthorized Practice of Law

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UPL Definition
by: Judy L.

Nonlawyer legal document preparers are allowed to help others prepare forms. We believe (but we can't be sure) it is not the unauthorized practice of law to prepare forms for reinstatement of driver's licenses, assisting with forms to accompany fees, etc. The problem with saying yes or no, is that the definitions of “the practice of law” and the “unauthorized practice of law” is a vast murky wasteland.

The legal establishment does not have a working definition for whatever it is that they do – practice law. So we don't exactly know what is “unauthorized”. There are a couple of bright line rules:

  • Don't represent yourself as a lawyer.

  • Don't give legal advice.

  • If using forms which are not Florida Supreme Court approved gather the information in writing – not verbally.

    The Florida Bar regulates UPL. For more information, please visit their website – www.flabar.org.

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