
Eviction Answer

by Ron
(Jax, Northside)

Where do I get a form for an answer to residential eviction in Duval county Florida? Where can I download an answer to residential eviction form in Duval county Florida?

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(Ormond Beach)

My tenants are impossible! They are behind on payments. They do not take care of the lawn like they promised and the inside is a mess. I want to evict them but I do not know the process. Can you help me with getting theses people out of here ASAP?

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Eviction from a commercial property

by Frank
(Ormond beach FL)

Is the eviction process from a commercial retail space the same process as in residential?

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Tenant Leaving a month before termination date of Extension

by Tom
(Santiago Chile)

My problem Is I have a tenant in Boca Raton Florida Who was given a 90 day extension which they signed and is now vacating the premises a month before expiration of said extension and is using their security deposit as last Months rent? I'm In South America (Santiago Chile)Can I still use the 3 day notice to pay or quit? And use your
services? Or do I need legal representation? Mr Gehlhaus

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Boyfriend trying to evict me from his home.

What rights/recourse do I have? I have no job, income or assets. He promised to support me and pay for medical care that I need desperately. I will truly be homeless if he prevails. He has hundreds of thousands of dollars which he is squandering away, instead of helping me as he promised.

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I'm evicting my parents and siblings from my house that I own and am living in.

They don't pay any rent and they don't have a rental agreement with me. I told them I will be evicting them and they changed the locks. I can't get into my house or get any of my property. I need to know what documents or process of eviction should I do. I've never done this.

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by Shawn
(Volusia Co, Florida)

Neighbor is being evicted for congregating in hallways; however, it is not the resident. How can they prove that it is someone else to avoid a 7 day eviction

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Termination of Rental Agreement

by George
(Daytona Beach)

I have a month to month rental agreement with my landlord, not a lease. Do I have to give a certain amount of notice before I leave, or can I just leave anytime? The rental agreement doesn't say. The landlord has a security deposit which I would really like to get back. Any help is appreciated.

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by Jacqueline

My homeless brother who lives in florida, has nothing, no money and no assets. Is there housing available for him somewhere?

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Can I have record sealed if I have an eviction? Can I reopen an eviction case that I chose to move instead of going to court?

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How long does it take to evict someone from retail space?

How long does it take to evict someone from retail space?

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Roommate is breaking lease we both signed leaving me with all expenses

by Tammy
(Clearwater, FL Pinellas County)

I moved into a house with a roommate 3 months ago. We both signed the lease and I understand if she leaves I am still responsible for the total rent amount to the property mgmt. company. Her financial responsibility for the remainder of the lease is $6,000. I need to file papers/sue her for her portion of the financial obligation. I also need to ask in the court petition for permission to garnish wages and or income tax interception. I also need advice on other forms of collecting the debt.

1) I do know where she works but am not sure if she is quitting her job. Do I need to/can I subpoena her financial information including pay stubs/W-2.

2) She owns property in another state that is under contract for sale. She is expected to gain a large profit. Can I put a lien on the property if it is under contract?

3) Can the property manager force me to remove her from the lease if I am not breaching the lease agreement and paying the full rent? I do not want to release her from her contractual obligation until the court makes a decision on her financial obligations to me.

I basically need to know what forms I need to file initially.


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How do I get a squatter out of my house?

by Sue
(Daytona beach)

My son let someone stay at his house over night for going lawn work for him and now he won't leave. I own n pay mortgage for house and tried to have police remove him but they did not because he said my son said he could stay. My son is afraid to go to the house. I don't know what to do. I am afraid of him and what he may be doing to the house. I don't know how to make him leave. Please help.

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can I be evicted for breaking my expired lease if my landlord was in violation from the very begining?

by frank.f
(bradenton fl)

My landlord rented me this house with no smoke detectors & bad"not up to code"wiring,we are constantly resetting the breakers for the kitchen & also the a.c.in the living room,we even had an outlet catch fire in the wall while we were sleeping.the lease expired a year ago,we had no pets then,so the lease was written no pets",but we were told we could have a dog if we wanted to & paid an extra $300.00,& since then my fiance brought a dog home,he's a good servie dog,house broken,& loves people,even perfect strangers,but his breed is stigmatized by the media & criminals.
We have paid our rent at or around the due date for the whole time we've been here,but now they've threatened us with eviction,which is fine,we want to move anyway,but they are trying to force us out without a place to go.is that even legal?

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